
English Episodes

The soprano Irene Kurka has successfully started the German Podcast „neue musik leben“ in April 2018. The podcast includes interviews and solo episodes on topics like time mangament, feedback, envy, entrepreunership, selecting repertory, vocal techniques…The podcast shows behind the scenes of the soprano and other musicians and composers. She is cooperating with the neue musikzeitung (www.nmz.de)

Starting January 2024 there will be one english episode a month. So please suscribe to my podcast on your preferred platform! thank you!

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248)07.01.2025Interview with Johannes Kreidlercomposer, artist, professor
247)18.12.2024Learnings and Review 2024Solo with Irene Kurka
245)04.12.2024Interview with Rosie Middleton - rainy days festival LuxembourgMezzo-soprano
244)03.12.2024Interview Ana Sokoloviccomposer and professor
243)27.11.2024Interview with Arditti String Quartet - rainy days festival Luxembourg (3)string quartet
242)20.11.2024Interview with Rhodri Davies - rainy days festival Luxembourg (2)harpist, artist, composer
240)13.11.2024Interview with Catherine Kontz - rainy days Festival (1)artistic director of rainy days festival
238)05.11.2024Interview with Iris Seesjärvisinger, teacher, author
236)08.10.2024Interview with Joey Tancomposer
233)03.09.2024Interview with Camilla Hoitengaflutist
232)27.08.2024Interview with Jürg Frey (best of)composer
230)30.08.2024Interview with Clara Ianotta (best of)composer, curator
02.07.2024Interview with Naji Hakimcomposer
22604.06.2024Interview with Frederic Durieuxcomposer
22407.05.2024Interview with Max Rieferpercussion player
22109.04.2024Interview with Christina Vantzoucomposer
21912.03.2024Interview with Nathan Plante, trumpeter and bloggertrumpeter and blogger
21713.02.2024Interview with Joel Sachspianist, conductor, curator, professor
21402.01.2024Interview with Michael Harrisoncomposer and pianist
19411.04.2023Interview with Agata Zubel - Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusikcomposer and singer
19310.04.2023five years anniversary Podcast neue musik leben: Ryan DohoneyMusicologist at Northwestern University
18413.12.2022Interview with Joan La Barbarasinger and composer
16917.05.2022Interview with Ivan Boumanscomposer
16510.04.2022Tim Rutherford interviews Irene - 4 years of neue musik lebenIrene‘s Podcast celebrates its fourth anniversary with the journalist Tim Rutherford-Johnson
16429.03.2022Interview with Catherine Kontzcomposer
14115.06.2021Interview mit Jürg Freycomposer and clarinet player
12814.02.2021Interview with James Saunderscomposer and professor for composition
12713.02.2021Interview with Juliet Frasersinger
12612.02.2021Interview with Tim ParkinsonComposer
12511.02.2021Interview with James Weekscomposer, conductor and professor of composition
11413.10.2020Interview with Marianne Schuppesinger and composer
10925.08.2020Interview with Toby Roundellcomposer - about the Virtual Residency Goethe Institut
10123.06.2020Interview with Heather O’Donnell about prevention and health psychology for musicianspianist, teacher and psychologist
7710.04.2020Interview with David Moss, 2 years podcast "neue musik leben"Vocalist, performer, artistic director: Institute for Living Voice
6725.02.2020Interview with Nina Brazierdirector for music theater
6428.01.2020Interview with Ryan Dohoneymusicologist, writer, vocalist
5315.10.2019Interview with Eva-Maria Houbencomposer, pianist, author, professor, musicologist
4309.07.2019Interview with Tom Johnson composer
4011.06.2019Interview with Gwyn PritchardComposer, Professor of Composition, Conductor, Ensemble and Festival Director
3714.05.2019Interview with Christopher FoxComposer, professor, writer
3019.03.2019Interview with Yuval AvitalComposer and Artist
1502.10.2018Interview with Michael PisaroComposer, Guitar Player, Professor of Composition
920.07.2018Interview with Antoine Beuger Composer, Wandelweiser Records, Klangraum Duesseldorf